Down The Rabbit Hole : 2013 Meltdown

I totally understand Britney Spears 2007 meltdown.
In November 2013 I hit my breaking point.
My mother had passed in April  and after I went on auto pilot . 
I put my feelings aside and did what I had to do .
I moved in with a family member in a unfamiliar town 
Started school again and was looking for love in all the wrong places ( blogpost going soon)  
One day I had enough and didn't know what to .  
It felt like my whole world was crashing around me 
I had no control over my life . 
My depression was at a all time high so I cut my hair . 

I almost shaved myself bald but I stopped when started to see scalp.
When I saw all there hair I had cut off I bursted into tears
Not because of the loss of hair but because I felt like a weight had been lifted . 
I was finally in control of something 
My life was in a millions pieces . 
My life had made a whole 180 
but sadly that wasn't my lowest point 

Brittany Morgan 


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