December Goals
It's finally December !
Christmas trees , mistletoe , and lots of candy canes .
I have my Christmas tree up , still not done decorating
Christmas presents have been ordered and DIY Christmas presents have been started .
This month is going to exciting
Work is going to be busy and with writing everyday for blogmas I guess I can sleep in January .
I kept this month's goals short and simple its going to be a fun but crazy busy month .
1. Complete Blogmas - A blog post everyday until Christmas
2. Grow my social media - I haven't been as active as I should be I want to be more involved especially on twitter and instagram
3. Prep for my return to youtube - I left youtube almost 2 years ago . Ive posted random videos but nothing with passion behind it . I have so many ideas I need to pull together and make something amazing .
4. Do more DIY project - With Christmas coming up I have many presents I want to make for the special people in my life. I just hope I will have the time and funds to get it all done
Stay tuned for tomorrow's blogmas day 2 post
Brittany Morgan