Harry Potter Marathon

After a long week at work it was great to unwind with with friends .
My fellow Potter Heads and I set out on a mission to complete the series . 

We had so much fun laughing and talking.
Even though I was on Snapchat I kept to myself this weekend. 
I wanted to be in the moment . 

Depression is a scary thing and its been taking over my life lately.
My days have been work and home ( in bed) 
I haven't been feeling like myself lately .
 I just needed time to stop and let God take control . 

I needed to be surrounded my positivity and happiness .
I know people may think its weird but watching Harry Potter makes me happy. 
It takes me back to the good ole days. 

I use to watch Harry Potter all the time with my mother
It was a family thing 
 And this weekend reminded me of that 

Good food , good conversations and of course Harry Potter made things feel great 

It felt good to not have to deal with the outside world 
No Drama
Just peace and fun

Now its time for some much needed rest .
I feel so prepared for the week 
Now time for a talk with God and a good night's rest. 

What are some things you do when you're stressed ?

Brittany Morgan 


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