On My Own Timeline
My next move will be a big move
I haven't decided when and where yet but I will soon
I finally am on a career path that will put me right back or near where I'm from
But is that where I want to move
That's the only thing that is holding me back from making my decsions
Where do I want to be?
Yes, if i move back i will be closer to friends but I realized I can't base my next moves on others nor speed up my timeline on when I will take the leap
With one friend married and the other living with a signiciant other I don't have any single girls who wants to do bald headed hoe shit.
Though Chicago is looking more like the goal I want a fun area or be near a fun area to go out make new friends and still see my sisters when they're free
I feel like over past 10 years my decisons have been made out of fear, pain, sadness and others timelines
I won't do that again
Stay Tuned
More to come soon
Brittany Morgan