Friday's Letters


Dear South Beach , I can't wait to visit you next summer , with my bestie Ashley . We are determined to be there next summer to celebrate our 10 years . I'm in the gym preparing now lol ! 

Dear " Say Yes To The Dress "  and Pinterest , Stop giving me wedding fever . This single girl has her wedding dress picked out and wedding planned and no man in her life. .. Shame on you ! 

Dear Ashley , Thank you for being a great sister. You have really been here for  me distracting me from the craziness called my life and always having such amazing things to say when I am down ! 

Dear Summer , I can't wait til you get here . Hurry up please . 

Dear Weight Loss Journey , You and I have a love hate relationship. We have started but never finished . But I'm glad this past month have been a great relationship for us .The past month I have lost 20 lbs . Im feeling great .Im done a pants size . And Im feeling great ( weight lost blog will be up tomorrow)  



Unknown said…
Hey Brit, just stopping by from the blog hop! Showing some blog love.
Laurie said…
South Beach looks beautiful :)

I wanted to invite you to our weekly Meet & Greet Blog Hop! It starts Friday nights and runs till the end of Mondays, come link up if you have some time :)

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