Mistakes I've Made Dating: Part One
I'm definitely not a pro at dating
But is anyone?
I know I've made my fair share of mistakes when it comes to dating
My mistakes are lessons I've learned on my journey to meeting my Prince Charming
After all the lies and pain I've been through I know there is someone special out there for me
I've just kissed a few bad frogs on my journey to him
Will I meet him tomorrow, one year from now or in five years
Who Knows?!
Here are a few mistakes I've made so far
Ignoring The Red Flags and Excuse
But is anyone?
I know I've made my fair share of mistakes when it comes to dating
My mistakes are lessons I've learned on my journey to meeting my Prince Charming
After all the lies and pain I've been through I know there is someone special out there for me
I've just kissed a few bad frogs on my journey to him
Will I meet him tomorrow, one year from now or in five years
Who Knows?!
Here are a few mistakes I've made so far
Ignoring The Red Flags and Excuse
I'm the queen of ignoring the red flags. Knowing something sounds like bullshit but hoping it was the truth. Letting stuff roll off my shoulders when I should have ended it when I heard it or saw something crazy. I always try to give someone the benefit of the doubt. Consistent flaking on dates, periods of time of that person disappearing is some of the key things I would overlook. Making up excuses in my head to cover their actions.
Not Multi-Dating
I have a horrible habit of talking to one guy and ignoring all the other guys because of one guy and not weighing my options
Now I'm not saying I'm sleeping with everybody ( but if I did my body, my choice)
I've never just gone on dates to get to know multiple people at once
Understanding compatibility, finding out what I like and don't like
With Multi-Dating communication is key and letting the other men know they aren't the only one
I've never multi-dated out of the fear of what others thought
Men have done this for years but women get slut-shamed for going on multiple dates
Like Taylor Swift, she has dated her fair share of men, as she should
It doesn't mean she slept with them all (and if she did, her body, her choice)
I really need to stop living in fear of people's thought and do what makes me happy
Dating A Non-Believer
I'm not here to judge anyone for their religion or lack thereof
I just know that I want a man who believes in God's Love
I've tried dating the atheist or the agnostic but I felt judged
I shouldn't feel belittled for my faith
Not once didn't I try to force God on them
But the faces I'd get or the comments I would get for just praying or thanking God in a moment
is not something I want. I want someone who I can study the Bible with
I want God in the center of our relationship
What are some mistakes you've made when dating?
Brittany Morgan
I want God in the center of our relationship
What are some mistakes you've made when dating?
Brittany Morgan