Birthday Wishlist: 2019

Last year I waited too late to post my wish list for my birthday and Christmas, this year I decided to be more proactive and post my list a month early
Year 30 will be full of  Self-care, self- love and growing closer to God.
I have many things I want to carry out in year 30


1. A Journal Bible with the matching tabs
My current bible was gifted to me by my grandmother with lessons geared towards a young girl, its time for a slight upgrade.

2. Gift-Cards 
People think gift card are a lazy gift but i personally love them. Sometimes there are things I want but I talk myself out of it due to cost or need. 
( Torrid, Ulta, Lane Bryant, Sephora, Etsy,Target, Hobby Lobby,Michael's)

This is one of my favorite things that sephora does. You get a box of fragrance samples to see which one you like the best. After you pick one there is a certificate in the box to return and you pick up the full size bottle 

4. A Self-Care Box
A care package with face mask, candles, wine, candy, movies and etc would be nice

I need to practice more looks and the makeup charts would help

I kept my list short and simple
I'm not expecting my friends to get me everything but I love to give options

Brittany Morgan 


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