And back to school he went .

We took my brother back to school Friday . It was such a bittersweet moment. Im going to miss my little brother. I won't see him til thanksgiving (or if I can afford to go out there for Homecoming). It seems like the summer went so fast.
I'm so proud of my brother he is an amazing person . He recently turned 20 ( August 15th , wow i feel old saying that ) . He has grown into an amazing man . Even though he is my brother he acts like he my older brother , very protective . I love our random conversations about like .Talking to him lets me know he will be alright in life. My brother can be a little reserved but I'm glad he opens up with me. I'm going to miss having all his attention .( at school it , school work , friends , video games and girls lol ) . I'm also glad he has two amazing friends ( Angelo and Chris ) . 
I'm just rambling now but I'm just blessed to have an amazing brother and someone I can call my best friend . A lot of people dont have good relationships with their siblings I'm happy to say I do . 
My brother and I at my cousin's party 


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