Friday's Letters

Dear Life , This week has been a week of lessons . I've learned that I need to let the petty stuff go and not allow it to keep me from others that mean a lot to me . 
Dear YouTube ,  I can't believe yesterday made a year that we have been together . I love all my subscribers and honestly don't know if I wouldn't  be sane without you. I allowed to be free and open . I'm excited to see what Year 2 has in   store . 
Dear Roland , I hate you but I love you . You frustrate me ! You came all the way to Illinois and didn't to see me once . That really shows me how much you care . I know you told me something came up but  honestly if you really wanted to see someone you would make time for them . With all this said I have to distance myself  because I can't allow  myself to get hurt again ! And the crazy thing about this we are suppose to be friends . So with that said " I'll believe it when I see it  "



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