I Moved !!!

Happy Sunday my loves !!!
Life has been crazy !
I've packed up my apartment
Well the things I could !
Once again the elevator was down in the building and living on the fifth floor it's hard to get things down stairs . And honestly I'm not in the best of shape to be carrying that stuff down the stairs without dying. So I had to pick and chose what I was gonna pack . Of course I got my makeup ( I would go naked before I leave my makeup ) .
So I have my clothes and makeup but after that it was time for the other important things .
I got my brother's things and important things our mother left us.
But besides that everything else had to stay .
My extremely comfy queen sized bed
My desk and a couple other pieces of furniture.  And with my friends being at work and not having any men in my life ( single life....... ) most of the moving was left on me .
I'm still in pain from moving  never again will I live on the fifth floor . I don't want to see stairs for months lol .
My calf muscles are so sore
And I have bruises all over my arms
But now I'm living with my brother .
I'm living in a college town .
Which I kinda feel out place because when everyone is going to the bars I just want to sit back with a glass of wine and Netflix .
Boring I know .
So this should be interesting getting to know people out here even though I don't go to the  school .
The job hunting will start Monday  morning .
Time to start saving every dime til may !
It sucks being away from my friends and nieces but it was something that had to be done
And most importantly I'm going to miss my church and church family but I will be watching every Sunday online .
May can't get here soon enough
But til then I will be working hard to get back on my feet and come back stronger than ever
Brittany Morgan 


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