Weekend Update

My weekend was filled with a lot of nerves.
I was excited and nerves about my new job and Sunday was the big day.

I finally washed my brushes . Im getting prepared for my first day at Sephora 

I made the best lunch . Salmon with butter / garlic noodles and spinach salad .

I ended up going to my cousin's house for movie night and nachos 

Movie of the Movie of the night 

This movie was soooo funny. I love Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum 


Another day in the house relaxing .. still nervous about my first day at Sephora . 
I spent most of my morning working on my blog.
I finally have a template that I love . 

Its so pretty! Im so in love with it . 

All day I was craving pancakes so I finally  made me some.
Oh So Good !!!

My little play buddy came to visit me 

The Many Faces of Kayden 


My first day at Sephora ! ( video coming soon on youtube.com/themidwestbelle ) 

excuse my messy mirror

they gave us some great products ( gratis )

My first day orientation was wonderful. I cant wait to really start. Sephora is such an amazing company. Im so happy to be working  for them. 

Sunday was just a happy day . 

I also got some free fro yo while walking around the mall . 
Vanilla fro-yo , Strawberry and white chocolate

Over all  had a decent weekend . I was nervous for no reason . I felt so welcomed  at work. 

Hopefully you all had a great weekend !!!

Brittany Morgan


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