The End Of A Era : Gossip Girl

If you haven't seen the finale don't read this !

Im in shock ! Gossip Girl is officially over . I never thought I would see the day. 
This is a show I grew up with. It came out my junior of high school . It came out during a very fragile stage in my life. I needed something to get my mind off the craziness I called life. I remember watching the first episode I was amazed every minute. 

The finale was everything and more ! It tied up some loose ends for me . I'm glad I finally found out who was Gossip  Girl . I wasn't that shocked it was Dan ( lonely boy) he was second choice. My first choice was Dorota . 

I'm so happy that they didn't seen Chuck or Blair to jail for Bart's death . Im so happy Bart died because he was totally no good. And Omg Baby Bass ( i think they said his name was Henry, correct me if I am wrong )
he is so adorable looking just like his daddy . !!!! 

Im so happy that Serena forgave Dan. I always wanted them together . The ending with their wedding was perfect . They have had so many ups and downs these past 6 years . I really would love to see more of their characters .

 I'm happy Nate finally made a name for his self and not have to live in the shadow of his family's  name!

Honestly I have so many ideas for a spin off for this show . And it could start where they left off  years later. Writers if you need help with anything hit me up . LOL 

Im glad Rufus found someone for  him . Rufus and Lily had their time . Its was over . She is back with her ex husband. I dont know how i feel about that . But if she likes it , I love it . 

Sorry if this post is all over the place , my emotions are all over the place. 

I remember in high school I felt like the outsider ( lonely girl ). Honestly I had enough information to be gossip girl myself. But I didn't do it. You must admit you all wanted to gossip girl once or twice in your life. 

Even though most people thought of Gossip Girl as just a tv show , It meant more to me than that. 
It honestly changed my life. It gave confidence .Blair Warldorf was my favorite character.She really didn't care much what people thought of her and loved that .Gossip Girl has taught me so many life lessons . It has also influenced my life in fashion. The show really helped me make my decision to pursue my fashion career .

To see it go is sad but Its time to stop watching it and start living it . 
Im excited to really pursure a career in fashion . 
Many don't believe in me but I will be make it and I hope you all will continue to watch me grow. 

You know you love me 
xoxo ,
Brittany Morgan  


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