Sunday Social

Sunday Social
1 year ago I was doing ...
1 year ago I started my YouTube channel . It opened my eyes up to some many other possibilities and career goals . I found my passion for makeup and fashion .I'm happy with my career choices

5 years ago I was doing ...
5 years ago I was freshman at Lewis University. I was a sponge soaking up every experience I can ( the good kind , I was still a good girl  lol ) 

10 years ago I was doing ... 
I was still in 8th grade thinking I was   in love  ( puppy love ) without knowing the meaning .  Such an awkward stage in my life . 

1 year from now I'll be doing..

A year from now I would love to be partner on YouTube and working in a field I love ( makeup and fashion) 
 and hopefully happily in a relationship . And doing some more traveling ! 

5 years from now I'll be doing ....
I would love to be married and with a least one child . Growing my business and living downtown Chicago or at least near downtown ! 

10 years from now I'll be doing..
A successful business owner . Loving life with my husband and children and traveling with my family ! 

*I'm excited to see what the future has in store for me ! 




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