Christmas Tag: Blogmas Day 4

Happy Blogmas ladies and gents. 

I thought blogmas wouldn't be complete without a Christmas Tag

1. What is your favorite Christmas film?
2. Have you ever had a white Christmas ?
Yes I've had plenty of them

3. What's your favorite Christmas song ?
Santa Baby - Eartha Kitt

4. Where do you usually spend your holiday ? 
Growing up my mother's house . Now its at my place with my brother and a friend. 
5. Do you open any presents on Christmas eve ?
Only thing that can be opened on Christmas Eve is our Christmas pajamas . 
6. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer ?
dasher , prancer , Rudolph ,comet ,cupid .... ( I can't remember the rest ) 
7. What holiday traditions are most looking forward to this year?
Just to have a laid back day . We always ate good food  , relaxed and watched movies all day and of course open presents.
8. Is your Christmas tree real or fake ?
Fake and white lol I love my tree 
9. What is your all time favorite holiday snack / sweet treat?
Sugar Cookies

10. Do you like giving gifts or receiving gift more ? ( Be honest) 
I love giving gifts and seeing others light up when I give them a gift. 
11.  What is the best Christmas gift your ever received ?
My mother gave me a pair of silver heart shaped earrings 
12.  What would be your dream place to visit during the holiday season ?
New York City . It looks so pretty .

13.  Are you a pro-wrapper, or fail miserably ?
I fail miserably thats why I use gift bags. I make tissue paper look good 
14.  Most memorable holiday moment ?
Christmas 2012 was the last Christmas with my mom . I remember my cousin's and I sitting around the table playing a heated game of UNO. Just having that wonderful family time
15.  What made you realize the truth about Santa ?
What are you talking about ? Santa is at the north pole right now checking the naughty or nice list . 
16. Do you make New Year Resolutions ? Do your stick to them ?
I try not to make new year resolutions . You can make changes any day of the week. But I might make some for 2019 
17 . What makes the holiday special to you ?
The true meaning of Christmas ( a whole blog post on this will be coming soon )
Brittany Morgan 


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