Losing Another Part Of Myself

On July 15th ,2014 I lost a piece of my heart .
My daddy , my rock , my world passed away .
It really feels like a bad dream 
like this can't be real 

I miss my daddy so much .
I find myself listening to his voicemails
Just feel like he is still here
Like really !!
This can't be true 
My DADDY gone 
I want my daddy back 
He was the last piece i had left 
The pain I feel is so unexplainable .
I don't even know 
I can't believe I'm writing this 
I really don't know what God's plan is . 
And not questioning it 
But my heart can't take anymore pain . 
Even my daddy and I had so rough patches 
He was my daddy 
My love 
My heart
The #1 man in my life 
I miss you so much daddy 
I love you 



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