Club Going Up On A Tuesday ?

I never have and probably never will be a club person 
That scene is not for me . 
I tried it and didn't like it . 
Some family members called me  " lame" and " anti social" but I don't feel the need 
or want to be out till 5 in the morning dancing and drinking .
And if thats your cup of tea have fun and no judgment here.
No tea, no shade

I'm such a grandma , I'm so happy being at home with a glass of wine and netflix . 
There is nothing like a good food , movies and even better company . 

I'm so happy that R is the same way . Of course we will go out and do things but I can't wait to lay on the couch in his arms just spending time with him . 

What do you like to do ?
Are you a club/party person or are you a home body ?

Brittany Morgan 


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