Silk Cashew Milk
I was recently sent a coupon to get "Silk Cashew Milk" free through
If you don't know what is , its a website that you take surveys and are paired with products to review for free
I was a little hesitant to try the cashew milk.
I was pleasantly surprised that is really tasty .
I have used in a lot of my meals .
Its great with cereal .
A couple of my favorite recipes I've came up with.
Banana Smoothie :
~1 Banana
~ 1 cup of milk
( To make it a filler add a little vanilla protein powder )
And for a extra special treat add 2 scoops of cocoa powder and 1 scoop of whip cream
I also made a little cold snack by mixing the cocoa powder and cashew milk and freeze it
For dinner I made"Mashed Carrots"
~ Boil till soft
~ Mash
~Return to pain with a half of cup of cashew milk and let it simmer. ( add sugar to taste)
Have you tried the new cashew milk ?
If you have any recipes for me let me know .